It's hard to believe that my little Abby will be here in about 7 weeks. There's no way that's even possible. Considering how people still think I'm only like 3 months pregnant.... Nevertheless, I feel like I get bigger every day...
Tiny bump! ~20 weeks |
Morning sickness isn't fun, but luckily mine hasn't been as bad as some (knock on wood). I've felt plenty crappy, don't get me wrong, but I've had so many people giving me advice on how to feel better! Ginger ale,
Preggie Pop Drops, and
Sea Bands have been a life saver! All are cheap and really worked for me, and a lot of other people, from what I've heard!
I'm really not a fan of the fatigue, lightheadedness, and constantly being out of breath. And unfortunately, the only remedies I've found for that so far is napping, snacking, and just trying to sit down between projects. I'll update you if I figure anything out for that...
30 weeks! Finally- a real bump! |
Back pain is a serious complication when it comes to being on my feet all day at work. I've tried those maternity supports, and I have places and times that I can sit down, but it's still exhausting and painful! Seems like all I can really do is relax when I can, take a tylenol, and go about my day.
Some of the amazing gifts I got! |
My baby tea was a success! Thank you to all of my lovely hostesses for making it a fantastic day, and thank you to all my friends and family who came and gave me such lovely and generous gifts! Abby and I are two blessed ladies, we cannot thank y'all enough!
Even more gifts... So blessed! |
I'm finally starting to feel prepared. I have all of the necessities, so if for some reason Abby were to make an early arrival (please don't....), I feel like we'd be ready! There are still some things I might need a few more of, but generally I feel pretty confident that I don't have much more preparing to do. Although, my nesting urges keep me changing and reorganizing every day...
Thanks to my amazing friends that came.... Love y'all! |
I'm sorry I've been so bad with posts lately! There are so many things I want to say, but I can't find the words, or they aren't things that are meant to be public. I have plenty of ideas, but I can't seem to be able to mush together the right topics to make a tangible post, which is the reason this post is so scattered. Pregnancy brain is a thing, lemme tell ya. I can't remember jack squat, and whatever I do remember comes back in fragments that only make sense to me, if at all. Plus, getting ready for Abby is becoming a much more time-sensitive priority, so she tends to come first over blogging. Harsh, but true.
I'm still so grateful for all my readers and family and friends who are so supportive of me in this time! I love y'all and appreciate everything you do for me! Please keep praying and sending positive thoughts. :)
xoxo, a.
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