Abigail, if you're reading this in like 2035 (will the internet even exist then??????), I hope you've already heard these things from me, and if not, I hope you believe that I say them from experience and with sincerity.
- Nobody will ever love you more than your mother. I even love you now, with your foot (or hand, or elbow or butt....) prying away at my ribcage. There's no telling how much more I'll love you with every single day that passes.
- Your mom is always going to be your best friend, even when you don't like her because she said no.
- There's nothing wrong with reading a really cheesy book that provides no intellectual stimulation. Sometimes, it's just a nice escape.
- You look better with messy hair and confidence than you ever will in expensive clothes and self-doubt.
- It only means he likes you when he's mean to you if he's in elementary school. After that, run.
- Seriously, run.
- You'll never learn from anyone's mistakes but your own. Still, take heed in their warnings.
- Never stay with an abusive partner. Emotional, physical, it doesn't matter. Leave.
- Good will prevail. It's not always immediate, it's not always easy. But the just will win.
- Lists are very important. Make many of them. If you're anything like me, you'll be very forgetful.
- Enjoy each day like it's your last, but never lose sight of the future.
- Maturity is an attitude, not an age.
- Pick a career because you love what it stands for and how it helps you grow, not for the money. Unless you're in college. Then work the crappy jobs for the money, otherwise you're eating ramen tonight and tomorrow night and next week too.
- Never let someone intimidate you to the point of doing something you're not comfortable with.
- Always listen to stories from your elders. They're a lot more interesting than your history textbooks, and they tend to be much more relevant to you than you'll realize at first.
- Technology, lingo, trends- those things change. People, and human nature in general, don't. It took me far too long to believe that, but boy do I wish I had a lot sooner.
- It's really not that hard to just be nice and treat people with respect, even if that means you have to bite your tongue. You are free to think and feel whatever you want, but be nice to people.
- Don't gossip. People will turn on you quicker than a New York minute. If you have to talk about someone or something, talk to your mom. She probably doesn't like that girl's outfit either. ;)
- Moms are super great at keeping secrets, believe it or not.
- Believe it or not, I've been there. I'm older than you, so logic follows that I was once your age as well, not all that long ago. I probably do have a clue what you're feeling.
- Pray. God always listens, He always hears, and He will always be by your side. Trust that He will guide you to the place you need to be.
- Pick a favorite number. It doesn't really serve much of a purpose, but at least you'll always have an answer if someone asks. I may have placed this tip very strategically.
- Chances are, someone in your life isn't going to like you. They probably will know absolutely nothing about you, but will have all sorts of opinions on the way you live your life. Guess what? Chances are they have absolutely no clue what they're talking about. Best just to let them go on with their bitterness.
- Get a pet fish at least once in your life. Preferably when you're old enough to take care of it by yourself, cause I'm really bad at taking care of fish. But, if you're like me, your fish will literally live for 5 years with almost no food. Don't ask me how.
- Don't be afraid to be the "jack of all trades, master of none." The phrase actually ends in "though oftentimes better than master of one." You don't have to be a superstar at one thing. Expand your knowledge and just be good at a bunch of things that you like.
- Little Debbies are good for the soul.
- Brand names are great, but you're paying for the name. My $30 Target cowboy boots lasted 5 years and were just as comfortable as any $200 pair.
- Write letters you'll never send. To the one who broke your heart, the one who broke your trust, the one you loved the most, the one you hate with a burning passion. Write that letter, save it in your journal. At least then you've said your thoughts, whether or not anyone will ever hear them, they're out from the confines of your head.
- Don't sit and ask yourself why something happened. Ask yourself how it will make you grow and get better in the future.
- Take 5 minutes, an hour, a day, even two, if you feel overwhelmed. Your mental health is more important that 5 points on a paper. Sometimes all you need is a good nap.
- Never be ashamed of your emotions. It's okay to get angry, embarrassed, or hurt over something simple. It's okay to laugh for absolutely no good reason. You have feelings for a reason, don't suppress them.
There are so many more things I have yet to learn, so this list is definitely a "living and breathing document," as every single one of my college professors says about their syllabi. Y'all know I just had to throw something nerdy in there. All I can say is, Abigail, if you're reading this in the future, I hope you trust that I love you more than anything in the world and want nothing but the very best for you.
That's all for now, folks. Please, share any advice you have in the comments below!
xoxo, a.
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